Get ready for some sharp, laugh out loud funny pond
Stories from around the world ...
(Continued from the May issue PondStuff!)
We had some hilarious, painful, really good, loud laughter
Stories sent to some of you. Here we will highlight
to read some of the funniest stories for you.
Inluding We had entries from all over the place (it's all the way
! from Thailand) The competition was fierce, and to be honest - I
had a reallydifficulty deciding on a 'fun' story, but
Here is a brief overview of our entries: cats, dogs and rabbits
(?) All under the Nestea plunge into water, a hungry
KOI nibbling in dangerous territory, the lack of a flip-flop, a
electrifying experience for grandma, fun for the whole family,
Frapa fish to boot, and flying fish!
Let us first with this very funny story to Start "Smokey" -
apparently think they can walk on water. This was sent toby
Mike Lachance from Maryland:
Tin funny story # 1
"I'd like to share a picture of this story is very true, but not
Reflect with cats is probably the same fate at a certain time
or another. A few years ago, when I liked the second
Season of my first pond (I have now built four as I moved
um), one of our cats, "Smokey", the hunter was in a natural
their best, they saw a fire on a mockingbird lilly pad to get a drink
of water. Well, old"The majority of smoke" slowly crept into certain
Lillies day and made a spectacular jump with all four paws
Majestically worn like a flying squirrel, right for the
the intrusion of birds.
It's not that they are not already a couple of
Meetings with the water to be treated, but that day has the feather
was too much for them to pass. Well, my wife and I
there was to see her wonderful belly flop into the pond.
Of course, the bird was fromthe way a lot of time and I
I swear that the cat walked on the tips of the five feet it took
out of the water! And, of course, even after removal
water, in a very casual way, he went to pick up
each leg and shakes the water and how to say "I was going to do
that, you know. "
Smokey often spent time in the pool after the corner
attract fish (which would have put water and swish
come and the fish would have been up to. He never explored
take one). She loved the waterfall and enjoy the
Water that moves in front of her. Here, this is my pond funny story.
=== Pond Story # 2 fun
"Dear all at McArthur,
My pond is funniest story of my aunt who introduced me to the end
ponds to the delight of the courtyard. Donna was a great part in their koi pond
Backyard that she devoted endless love and attention
too. Like most ponds, spring brought someunbidden
Guests ... in this case frogs. One night, Donna was on the bench
Pond, the pump control system for filtering and short-tempered and use
to fly across its network of leaves and what not, that was flown in the air
80 + years my grandmother was supervising the work and
has offered his advice on how to proceed. They were amazed
the number of frogs that had taken her place of residence, and not for
happy. Donna noticed a frog swimming across the
Tinhe wanted to go ... something was wrong
right on the way in which he swam, and she showed him
Grandmother. "Mom, look at this frog swimming on his back!" Grandmother
was a bit 'skeptical ... The frogs were making the return stroke
Phenomenon, which was not.
It recommended that these foreigners should be removed immediately. Not
wants to give other small frogs strange ideas. Women made
several attempts to drain the offender with their networkbut
was just out of reach. Only one thing to do. Roll up
Shorts and wade in after him. The answer to Mr. Frogs strange
Swimming technique became painfully clear when Donna
achieved its immediate vicinity .... was a faulty underwater lighting
shorted and electrocuted him! Women did not need electricity
Roles for a few days later! "
Eneco Sabroff
Tin funny story # 3
"Hello ---- My husband recently bought a beagle puppy, at thisTime
he was 8 weeks old. My husband also bought two almost semi-domesticated
Rabbits to help train the puppy to track rabbits. At that moment I
only had a pond that was preformed 550 gallons, my husband put
a rabbit out of platy with the puppy, the rabbit was
Teasing the puppy, with little ways then jumping over his
Head, then the rabbit decided he no longer wanted to play so
began to walk from Bear (the puppy), and appeared in
Pond. UsBear thought it would go around the lake
the other side and continue chasing the bunny, but Bear just dove
right, but it was so little that had to be rescued by
small courtyard pond. My husband's only response was "is
will be a good rabbit dog! "Well, thanks for listening
my story. Sincerely, Roberta Collins Toledo, Ohio
Tin funny story # 4
"A story to share ...
Two years ago I started with the crazy idea of building asmall
Koi fish pond. After much work I was finally built,
and decorated them with all kinds of plants. One day ... Wed female
cat "tip" went to the pool for this new review
Construction. He went to the border, jumped on a flat stone
Starter, water to drink. To their surprise, one of the fish,
might think that was the white nose of my cat food, jumped
water and tried to eat it .. Can you imagine
Surprise your cat? Ibelieve that the fish was also quite
impressed with the experience. My cat almost fell into the pond,
.. and has not returned to the pond. Their
be used to see the pond from my dorm, located on the second floor
big and little more than tin. Unfortunately, I do not have a framework
This "accident". I am sending a picto this first
Tin and in the meantime I have to build another, larger one.
Sadly, "Mancha" is not something more, has beenby
a few months old .. This story happened in Valdivia,
a city in southern Chile in this country, winter
comes with many leaves fall from the trees for the
Plants in my pond ready to sleep for a while '... "
Maria Frésard
Tin funny story # 5
"I have two ponds. A top and bottom of the pond. The pond is fed higher
a waterfall with the source, the pond bottom (led by a
Pump). The pond bottomis powered by an overflow of the upper pool
that flows underground about 70 feet (12 in the exhaust pipe). Last
I saved some summer trout fry of a seasonal stream
going dry near my home. I put in the pond bottom. This spring
I had to sit in my kitchen and could not see a flop
my water fall. The trout had migrated to the overflow pipe and
tried to swim further upstream via the water falls. Less
fun, but does not show the power of nature.Only a few weeks,
Heron Pond and found the fish.
There's nothing left to migrate at this time. Not so funny, but
makes an Egret taste anything like a turkey when cooked? "
Tom Gegenheimer
No funny story Pond 6
"We only saw a pond for a short period ... Details
The funny story, the workers (in Thailand) who took
Zero precautions to be taken during the construction ofPond.
Boys watching shoveling concrete from a truck and spread is
on the bottom of the pond ... if the shoes were
only "flip-flop" has resulted in good conversation .... especially
itself. several times since they came and we lost in thongs
Cement somewhere (eventually found, she walked around naked
Feet) .... Imagesto
Strangely, only the boys .... women wore all workers
Rubber boots .... Perhaps reflecting the gender
is really the most sensitive? "Regards, Chris
Tin funny story # 7
"I'm building a pond at this time, and I was in the processof
Construction of a waterfall in a corner of a fence. The waterfall is
about 3 feet high and 7 meters wide. I thought I was finished
Waterfall with some flat rocks on top. So I
thewaterfall straddeled with knees on the projection and the second set
the flat rock at the top. When I did everything fell the cascade
from, because I'm building on blocks and not a pile of dirt.
If there was a large stone struck me and I slide the foot
fell backwards and fell intothe pond to get to the bottom and
had a couple of big rocks come down on me. Meanwhile, my wife
Laughing his ass towards me and I asked her to help, are
slipped on wet rock that surrounded the flat edge of ponds and
half way fell on me.
Now my two boys were playing in the yard, are 5 and 3 and I saw
happened to us, and they thought it was time to swim as received
guess who jumped into the pond with us, guys. Nothing like
with allFamily in the pond. We laughed for a while ', but
I had to build the waterfall all over again and this time I
Put the top on the cliff side. "
Robert H Jr. Cup
Tin funny story # 8
I decided 300 gallons would be perfect. I have all the math and
spent much time with more experience
muses. Somehow, when all was said and done my little 300
Tin of 810 liters gallons and ended up coming to see him
wasAnother of my mathematical errors. I think I should
more attention in math class at university level
required for my Associates, right.
We have the pool all to work, but because of
Miscalculation we now need a bigger pump to feed waterfall
I went to our local water garden supplier and asked which
get. Balance was a problem it was recommended that we have a
¾ HP submersible pump that cycles 44 gallons a minuet. Thewas
only $ 70 compared to $ 170 that was its comparative
Alternatives like this ... We went this way. $ 70 dollars later we had a
Work pond with a beautiful waterfall! I was so excited, I could
almost time to fish.
New budget was an issue, so we went to the local pet store and
raised $ 50 U.S. dollars worth of fish, about 8 fish. 4 large gold
Koi, some yellow and a blue Koi. The color excited me so much
ever thought what would happen if theFish was
comfortable in their new home. The swam around investigating
a day or two then began to come missing. I thought
who were hiding or that a cat was well fed, but I
never thought it was something I could do. It 'was the
Pump ... the inlet valve to the pump was great and the fish were
to know and close to the pump when the engine is naturally aspirated
pushed the hose into my waterfall.
Although this is not funThe story, I cried for three days, I
wanted to share, because this is the only thing I have ever read
nothing about six weeks of reading I've done over the Internet. I
can now laugh about it with a "I can not believe I did not think
this thought. "
If I had known that was possible, I would have something to do
, Which prevent them from caged hens in my pump or spending the extra $ 100
Get the right kind of pump.
Hope someone can save a Koi by my blendingExperience.
New ponds and is also thought the fish without it! "Sheri
Well, hope this is for 'fun Pond Stories' this year ...
They enjoyed it as much as me!